
How Reading Frankenstein Improved My Typing Skills

How Reading Frankenstein Improved My Typing Skills 1

My Love for Classic Literature

Ever since I was young, I’ve loved classic literature. The stories by Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and Mary Shelley have always fascinated me. But as an adult with a busy schedule, I struggled to find time for my favorite classics.

Discovering a Unique Typing Practice

One day, I found an article online about using timeless books to improve typing skills. I thought it was a great way to combine my love for books with a practical skill. The article used the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley as an example. I decided to try it, and it worked really well.

Engaging with the Text

Typing passages from Frankenstein helped me type faster and more accurately. The descriptive writing made me pay close attention to my typing, and I even enjoyed the novel more by typing it out.

Enhancing Cognitive Abilities

Typing difficult text like Frankenstein also improved my focus and mental flexibility. The complex vocabulary gave my brain a good workout, not just my typing skills.

Applying the Method to Other Classics

After my success with Frankenstein, I started typing other classic books like Jane Eyre and Moby Dick. It’s become a regular part of my routine and has made me love reading even more.


Using classic literature for typing practice has been a great experience. It’s not only improved my typing skills, but has also deepened my connection to these timeless stories. I recommend it to anyone who loves books and wants to improve their typing. Learn more about the subject covered in this article by visiting the recommended external website. Inside, you’ll uncover supplementary information and an alternative perspective on the subject, typing practice https://www.typelit.io.

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